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Nov 27, 2012

Kissing is Disgusting

The kids were watching Toy Story 3 when I got home from work last night.  That movie is right up there with Terms of Endearment...makes me cry every time I watch it.  A real tear jerker, though I'm a cryer, so it doesn't take much. 

At the end when Andy and his mom are in his room looking around, I said to the kids, "One day you guys will be big like Andy and will go away to college and make lives of your own.  I will miss you!"

Lena continued to play, completely missing my attempt at creating a moment with my children.  She's only three...I shouldn't expect her to be ready for intimate mommy moments yet.  But Sammy caught on. 

"Mom, what's college?"

"Well, it's a school for big kids and grown ups where you learn all sorts of wonderful things and figure out what you want your job to be.  Usually you move away from home to live there.  And after that you can get married and have a family of your own, if you want to."

Very pensive, he replied, "Oh."  Then asked, "Mommy?"

"Yes, son."

"I don't want to go to college and get married.  Kissing is disgusting."

I laughed hard at that.  And it made me happy as I thought on it later.  He equates being married with kissing, which is very cool.  I know many kids see negative and much worse things from their parents.  And God knows Rich and I are very far from perfect.  But my kids see us loving on each other all the time and, while Sam thinks it's disgusting now, it will hopefully be a very lovely, healthy idea of love and marriage with which we send both of them out into the world.

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