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Feb 15, 2016

This Family

This family Rich and I have made...

This weird, quirky, awesome family of odd, eccentric, beautiful little individuals with their own strange ideas and hearts too big to be contained...

This family of blue-eyed mischief makers and blond haired dreamers...

This family made from a love so deep that I never even thought to dream about it, with a man who lives his truth every day with quiet kindness and selflessness...

This family who hugs and kisses, fights and tantrums, watches and listens, learns and laughs, yells and forgives, loves and loves some more...

This emotional family who is making it up as we go along, side by side, hand in hand...

This family is the air in my lungs and the pulse in my veins.  I cannot believe that I get to be part of this cool little tribe and that these amazing kids call me Mom.

Me.  Mom.  That still flabbergasts me.

So on Valentine's Day (and every day that I'm paying attention), I feel wholly undeserving of the blessing each person in this family is to me.

This family Rich and I have made.  


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