Thanksgiving has become kind of a floater holiday for us.
When Nan and Papa were around and healthy, we had Thanksgiving with them and my aunts and uncles and cousins from Dad's side of the family. We always had such fun telling stories and catching up. As my paternal grandparents started declining in health and inclining in years, that tradition kind of stopped. I miss it.
Sometimes we visited both sets of grandparents for Thanksgiving. I have fond memories of watching the Macy's Day parade in the organ room at Grandma and Grandpa's and then of raiding the red cream soda stash in Nan and Papa's basement.
Between then and now, we've trended toward flying by the seat of our pants for Thanksgiving. We've spent it with Rich's family a couple of times, my parents and Grandma Kraft a couple of times, in Zanesville a couple of times, and I think we even spent it alone once.
But I think we've come up with a new tradition this year, one that I love. Two Thanksgivings!
Over the weekend we went to Mom and Dad's to have an early Thanksgiving in Newcomerstown. Lori and her family were there and after we gorged on a HUGE and DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner, we watched the OSU game and put up Mom and Dad's Christmas tree. I swear I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Several times. These people are the absolute best. I loved every moment of the time we were there.
Then tomorrow we'll head to Chardon to spend some quality time with Tom and Bobbie on Thanksgiving Day. I can't wait. We've done this once or twice before and it's a lot of fun. I'm sure it's not easy putting our crazy family up for a few days, but I'm really looking forward to it. And I'm pretty sure my in-laws are too.
You know, every single weekend since the beginning of November and until the end of December is booked for us. It can be exhausting sometimes to be running around so much, especially with the kids and packing and all that fun stuff. But I told Rich while we drove to Newcomerstown this weekend that it really is a testament to how blessed our lives are. To be this busy during the holiday season means that we have a lot of people who love us, and a lot of people we love. Not everyone has that.
Pastor Mike had a simple but profound quote in his sermon on Sunday - "Be grateful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference."
And boy, are we grateful. Grateful and tired. :)